Most Visible JavaScript Module and jQuery Plugin Released

Today I released a JavaScript module/jQuery plugin I’ve been working on over the last few days. Most Visible is used to reduce a set of elements to the one which is most visible within the viewport. The simplest way to use it is as a jQuery plugin like so:

$(function() {

Package Managers

It’s available for installation via yarn or NPM:

yarn add most-visible
npm install most-visible --save


If you’re not a package manager type of person (you should be) you can include the file directly into your page courtesy of

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

Direct Download

If you’re really old fashioned and don’t want to use a package manager or a CDN there are also direct download links:

most-visible.js (3.8KB, 1.4KB gzipped)

most-visible.min.js (1.4KB, 663B gzipped)

For docs, demos and information on the different ways you can use the module check out the project’s GitHub page.

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